Whitney Mosier, MS LCMFT

I work with adults who may be experiencing a variety of difficulties including stress management, anxiety, depression, sense of self issues such as negative self-talk, emotional regulation, low self-worth. I also work with folks on lifestyle habits, relationship with food and eating issues, as well as motivation and relationship struggles.

I do my best to approach therapy from a holistic perspective exploring with you various factors that may be contributing to your difficulties. We will collaborate in identifying, understanding and improving on these areas you’d like to address. Throughout our work together we will explore several topics in addition to the ones listed above including lifestyle habits and changes that will support your wellbeing, past experiences that have impacted you, current interpersonal relationships and skills, family relationship dynamics and its impact on our issues, and ways to regulate thoughts, emotions and inner mental world problems. Mindfulness and breathing techniques are used as ways to enhance a sense of wellbeing and to support improvement in these areas.

Examining ourselves, our lives and relationships is not always easy. Creating healthy and long term change in these areas requires us to move through challenging moments and stay consistent over time. I truly believe that with a commitment to our own health, our relationship to ourselves and loved ones, and engaging daily consistent changes over time we can experience a sense of wellbeing and a more fulfilling relationship to ourselves, others and to life.


Contact Whitney to schedule an initial appointment by filling out her secure contact form below:

Or call 316-425-7774 3015

Issues I work with:
  • Stress management
  • Anxiety
  • Mood problems, irritability, emotional regulation
  • Self-worth and confidence
  • Emotional and stress eating
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Interpersonal/relationship issues, intimacy and desire problems
  • All Savers
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Golden Rule
  • Healthy Blue (Kancare)
  • Medica
  • Optum
  • ProviDrs Care
  • Sunflower (Kancare)
  • UMR
  • United (Kancare and Commercial Plans)
  • WPPA PRoviDrs Care Network