Employment at Real Life Counseling

Therapist Job in Wichita, Kansas

Welcome to our employment page at Real Life Counseling. Real Life Counseling is a group of independent therapists and counselors seeking to make a difference in our community. We do outpatient therapy and serve diverse clientele – people from all walks of life, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, genders and socioeconomic statuses. Our goal is to provide a place where anyone can come and connect with a counselor or therapist who accepts them where they are in life and helps them get where they want to go.

We are glad you are interested in a therapist job in our private practice. We employ independent contractors, so our providers are truly in private practice for themselves, but they also enjoy the benefits of having a highly gifted and supportive team around them, as well as many amenities that make day-to-day practice easy. We also work hard at ensuring our work environment is warm, positive and flexible, as well as one where clinicians can be challenged and grow. It is essential for us to establish healthy relationships inside our organization if we are to help others build healthy relationships in their lives.

Interested? Fill out the form below and we would be happy to reach out and connect with you.

We are always looking to add quality clinicians to our team and we would value the chance to meet and talk with you if you are interested in joining a group private practice. We are looking for individuals who take initiative, connect well with others and are willing to learn and grow as people as they seek to help others do the same. Below are some of the amenities we offer for providers in our practice.

Therapist Job Amenities

  • Referrals generated by the RLC name and brand
  • Practice setup/management
  • A supportive team and work environment
  • High quality website, online profile, search engine optimization
  • A good reputation in the community
  • Referral relationships
  • Marketing and branding
  • Business and marketing know-how
  • Phone answering service
  • Individual extension and private voicemail
  • Warm, updated office space, decor
  • Office supplies
  • Technical support
  • Intake forms, consents
  • Flexible environment
  • Creativity and responsiveness to needs of clinicians
  • Policies, including HIPAA
  • Insurance credentialing
  • Secure email
  • General liability insurance
  • Business cards
  • Marketing brochures
  • Cash incentives for continuing education or as a cash bonus
  • Secure online forms
  • Electronic faxing
  • Utilities – phone, internet, heating, air
  • Office setup, upkeep, maintenance
  • Facebook page, Facebook followers (2400+)
  • Instagram page, Instagram followers (600+)

Our goal is to ensure the clinicians in our practice can build a practice that works for them, designed around their preferred areas of focus and helping them meet their professional and financial goals. Clinicians make their own schedules and are the directors of their own clinical work. The leadership at Real Life Counseling are committed to providing support, planning and strategy necessary to help each clinician build the practice they want.

Interested in joining our team?

Fill out the form below and we will contact you and let you know the next steps. We look forward to hearing from you!