We wanted to introduce you to our friend, Delia Lujano. Delia loves working with children. She works with adults as well, but when it comes to her job as a Professional Counselor at Real Life Counseling, she prefers to work with children. Her face lights up and so does her voice when she sees the little ones she works to help.
Delia’s commitment to children shows in her clients’ love for her, as well. The children who come to Real Life Counseling and see Delia for Play Therapy know that they have her attention and that she really wants to know what they think and feel when they go into her office. With extensive training in Play Therapy (which she has been utilizing since the early 1990s), Delia has a special knack for connecting with kids in the playroom, helping them express their inner worlds and nurturing them toward healing. It shows in the results: the changes in her clients’ lives and families. There have been times when families with whom Delia works have expressed their appreciation for her helping their children feel better and happier. Delia says, “We never really know what happens to our clients when we don’t see them anymore,” but no doubt, there are countless children whose lives have been touched by her time with them – many who have gotten better because of her commitment to get to know them and help them.
Delia’s story is a fascinating one, and one which indicates her job to serve children and families is a calling. She says that she planned with her fiancé to have 12 children but that dream was made impossible when her fiancé was killed serving in the Vietnam War. Delia has gone through her share of grief, but she says that she has gained understanding of God’s plan for her life. She says that “The Lord has sent me hundreds, even thousands of children for me to help.” If you watch Delia in action with kids at the Real Life Counseling office, you can tell that she sees herself as having a special calling. She loves to be with little ones.