Depressed? Differences between Clinical and Situational Depression

By Sarah Beardslee, LCPC

Note: Only a professional trained in recognizing and treating mental health diagnoses is qualified to diagnose someone, including yourself, with a mental health disorder. This post is for educational purposes, not for self-diagnosis. If you feel like you may struggle with these issues, seek out a qualified professional for clarity and help. 

The word “depression” is used in many ways throughout the world. People use the term “depression”  interchangeably with burnout, sadness, grief, or when having a bad day. This creates confusion for many when trying to determine whether they or someone they love is experiencing Read more

Teaching and Modeling Resilience to Our Children in Tough Times

By Michelle Cunningham, LCP

We are going through a monumentally strange time in our lives right now. This is maybe the only thing that is utterly true at all times because everything else is shifting. A global pandemic has put it’s thumb on daily life and changed things we have taken for granted – face-to-face time with friends, family and acquaintances, work, school and now school sports. It’s all changing, stopping, or both, and it is hard. Potentially losing a year of team sports is going to be a challenge that we never planned to face.

While this is a … Read more

A Single Tree Podcast #2: Small Self, Large Self

Brandon and Joel recorded Episode 2 of A Single Tree Podcast about the “small self” and how to connect with the “Large Self.” You can find all episodes of A Single Tree Podcast here and subscribe on Soundcloud or iTunes. You can also listen to the latest episode from October 24, 2017 below.

Description: More about the “small self” (or ego) and how we can take a proper stance toward it to shed layers and become our fullest selves, connecting with the “Large Self,” where we find connection and wholeness.

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When It’s Time To Go To Therapy

When you need a safe place to take a look at yourself and where your life is going.

When you’re ready to ask the “big questions.”

When you need some outside perspective from someone not overly involved.

When your stress/emotional stuff is affecting your physical health or you can feel it in your body.

When stress is affecting your work and relationships.

When you are stuck in the same old tired pattern.

When you are ready to enter a new phase in your life and you need a little help getting there.

When you are ready to have help that … Read more